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The $1.25 Store (Surviving Inflation)

Posted July 29, 2022

“Today's inflation is like jumping in the elevator and skipping higher by 20 floors,” says Zach Scheidt.“ Fortunately, there are some very good ways to beat inflation.”
The $1.25 Store (Surviving Inflation)

Armageddon in China

Posted July 28, 2022

Escalating tensions in the Taiwan Strait increase the momentum to support U.S. companies.
Armageddon in China

Read My Lips: No Recession

Posted July 27, 2022

The Biden administration asked: “What is a recession?” And proceeded to discount its commonly held definition.
Read My Lips: No Recession

Big Tech Catches COVID

Posted July 26, 2022

For more than a decade, we were conditioned to see tech stocks head in one direction. The playbook has changed…
Big Tech Catches COVID

[UPDATE] Pelosi Portfolio

Posted July 25, 2022

“Chip stocks have been in a swoon since the beginning of the year,” Ray says. Regardless, he expects semiconductor stocks to bounce meaningfully.
[UPDATE] Pelosi Portfolio

Relief Rally (What’s Next?)

Posted July 21, 2022

It’s been a relief to see green on the screen this week. But consider this before you start piling cash back into stock bets…

The Good Word on Gold (1973 and 2022)

Posted July 20, 2022

“Are we having fun yet?” asks our macro maven Jim Rickards. “A gold investor might well ask: ‘What’s the point?’”

3 Editors, 3 Investment Strategies

Posted July 19, 2022

No matter your investment goals, our group of editors has insights into how to navigate this uncertain market…

A “Draghi” on the Eurozone

Posted July 18, 2022

“Much of the hardship Europe experiences right now is the result of Mario Draghi’s monetary policy,” says editor Sean Ring.
A “Draghi” on the Eurozone

Zombie Cities: Run on Banks

Posted July 15, 2022

Plus, the “Blue” Doctrine Migration
Zombie Cities: Run on Banks

Zombie Cities: Inflation and Rent

Posted July 14, 2022

Today, we feature three bits of feedback that landed in our digital mailbox, including a reader who asks: “What’s your problem [with] Newsom?”
Zombie Cities: Inflation and Rent

Oil Stocks Are Down (But NOT Out)

Posted July 13, 2022

“I still think you can make a good bit of money holding oil stocks this year,” says our retirement-and-income specialist Zach Scheidt.
Oil Stocks Are Down (But NOT Out)

Escape from New York

Posted July 12, 2022

With all the doom and gloom out there, today we mention a note of optimism for our country’s economic future…
Escape from New York

The World Runs on Diesel

Posted July 11, 2022

While Americans shake their fists at the price of gasoline, what's more worrisome? The price – and availability – of diesel fuel.
The World Runs on Diesel

Repo Man Summer

Posted July 08, 2022

A perfect storm of economic grievances is on the horizon this summer. You can add a new subprime borrower crisis to the list of crises.
Repo Man Summer

Gas Tax Holidays Are NO Picnic

Posted July 07, 2022

This might be the most flagrant example of “do as I say, not as I do” governance since Gavin Newsom’s French Laundry scandal…
Gas Tax Holidays Are NO Picnic

Debt Tsunami

Posted July 06, 2022

Once again, proof China’s economy is foaming at the mouth… To say nothing of developing countries who’ve borrowed – to the hilt – from China.
Debt Tsunami

Go Easy on China?

Posted July 05, 2022

If you are too young to remember, 1973 was a singular year. But that same story is playing out right now…
Go Easy on China?