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Goodbye, SILICON Valley

Posted August 29, 2022

“Plain old silicon has ruled the day for over 50 years,” says Ray Blanco. “But silicon isn’t the end-all in the world of semiconductors.”
Goodbye, SILICON Valley

China’s Worst Drought in Recorded History

Posted August 25, 2022

Financial news spin hailed new Chinese stimulus as stocks rose. Be smart: Beijing’s efforts won’t come close to tackling the country’s multiplying crises.
China’s Worst Drought in Recorded History

Gold’s Near “Unlimited Upside”

Posted August 24, 2022

Jerome Powell’s meeting in Jackson Hole this coming Friday is a clear catalyst for gold. Here’s another…
Gold’s Near “Unlimited Upside”

The Fed’s Message to Americans

Posted August 23, 2022

The mirage of a new bull market has disappeared, and Wall Street insiders knew this was coming.
The Fed’s Message to Americans

Germany’s Nuclear Option

Posted August 22, 2022

German officials exemplify a “belated outburst of rationality,” according to Reason
Germany’s Nuclear Option

Keep Your Eyes on the Road

Posted August 17, 2022

Meme stocks are soaring, with many proclaiming the bull market is back. But you need to keep your eye on the macro set up, which points to a rough patch ahead.
 Keep Your Eyes on the Road

The Gold Standard’s Rebirth

Posted August 16, 2022

“Few remember that in 1971, Nixon explicitly said that the suspension of [the] gold [standard]... was being done ‘temporarily,’” says Jim Rickards
The Gold Standard’s Rebirth

The Gold Standard’s Finale (Aug. 15, 1971)

Posted August 15, 2022

For those of us who still believe precious metals are an intrinsic asset, a store of value and a safe haven, today is an historic day.
The Gold Standard’s Finale (Aug. 15, 1971)

One Billion People Go Hungry

Posted August 10, 2022

There’s a catastrophic bottleneck of the crop nutrient potash; we outline the devastating consequences.

Mining M&A (Hits and Misses)

Posted August 09, 2022

: “Recent months have seen a pickup in merger and acquisition activity,” says Paradigm analyst Dan Amoss, referring mainly to mining M&A.
Mining M&A (Hits and Misses)

When Gold Will Rally Again

Posted August 08, 2022

It’s a question I hear a lot: “Shouldn’t the price of gold be soaring now?”
When Gold Will Rally Again

The Day China Kicked Out Starbucks

Posted August 05, 2022

This week’s series of events is a wake-up call for investors complacent about the US-China economic ties. Relations just got much worse, and quickly. So, today, we’ll check back on some American companies that have decided to bet their future on a friendly China…
The Day China Kicked Out Starbucks

The Mother of All Tail Risks

Posted August 04, 2022

China’s navy is encircling Taiwan. Here’s why you need to be ready for things to spiral out of control, and make the pandemic, Fed rate hikes, and the Ukraine war look almost “quaint.”
The Mother of All Tail Risks

Oil Dominates 2022 ETF Gains

Posted August 03, 2022

“I still think you can make money holding oil stocks this year,” says Zach Scheidt. And the cleanest way to play oil?
Oil Dominates 2022 ETF Gains